
November 10, 2012

Head Lice treatments Guide

Head lice are small insects that live amongst the hairs on your scalp and neck. They are NOT a serious health problem and it is rare that they will cause anything but an itchy scalp. They are on the other hand, embarrassing and extremely uncomfortable and should be treated as soon as possible.

You probably won’t realise you have head lice until your scalp becomes itchy. You will probably get a tickling or itchy feeling and you may develop a rash behind your ears and at the back of your neck which is a reaction to the louse faeces. An itchy scalp does not always mean you have head lice, so do not start with any head lice treatments until you have been diagnosed.

You only have head lice if you find a living louse on your scalp. They can be hard to see but if you use a special, fine-toothed comb you can comb your wet or dry hair to confirm whether or not you have them. You should check all members of your household so that you know who will need head lice treatments.

There are a number of head lice treatments available that are very effective and you can either use an insecticide treatment or wet comb the hair. At Victoria Pharmacy we have a number of over the counter insecticide head lice treatments and our pharmacist is always available to offer you advice if you are unsure about the head lice treatments you should be using. 

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